Wednesday, September 30, 2009

WORD PREMIERE: EDGE, Perspectives on drug free culture - Saturday Oct. 3rd|8PM

Perspectives on drug free culture

WORLD PREMIERE this Saturday Oct. 3rd 8:PM
Helen Mills Theatre ( map )

28 years after the band Minor Threat released the song ‘Straight Edge’, the counterculture known as Straight Edge has become a worldwide phenomenon that unites individuals rejecting all forms of intoxication.
The most widely associated perception of Straight Edge involves abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and promiscuous sex. Since it’s origin in the early 1980’s these beliefs have spread all over the world, connected through the Punk and Hardcore music scenes.
Through interviews with musicians that directly shaped the idea of Straight Edge from its inception until today,EDGE – perspectives on drug free culture reveals that the abstinence from drugs was established as a youth counter culture rejecting a society dominated by substance abuse and hegemony. Ian MacKaye (Minor Threat, Fugazi), Ray Cappo (Youth of Today, Shelter) and Karl Buechner (Earth Crisis, Freya) give witness to their perception of the history of Straight Edge, why it was so important to them and what it changed in their personal and professional careers. But they also address problems like violence, sexism and intolerance that emerged within Straight Edge, and how it changed the ’scene’ as well as its public image.
Furthermore, EDGE explores the lives of 9 individuals, that identify as Straight Edge. Their reasons range from negative experiences with drugs to maintaining a healthy lifestyle to political reasons. Through a very close and personal look into their daily lives, we see how their decision to live ‘poison free’ has changed the world for them.
But how do people discover Straight Edge? How do women experience Straight Edge subculture? What social backgrounds are shared by people new to the scene and what makes someone turn Straight Edge? How does mainstream culture perceive this movement?
EDGE is looking for answers to these questions on a roadtrip behind and beyond the scenes of the Straight Edge subculture.

More information about the movie HERE.



Thursday, September 24, 2009

Alina Plugaru se lasă de meserie!

Sunt consternat! Sunt pur şi simplu stupefiat! De azi dimineaţă de când am aflat, plâng într-una, nu-mi pot stăpâni lacrimile. Idolul meu, febleţea mea, cu care aş fi avut 69 de postere pe perete dacă îmi permitea camera sau baia, se lasă de meserie. E vorba de Alina Plugaru, care a anunţat oficial în Libertatea de azi că nu va mai juca în filme XXX. De vină sunt două lucruri: criza, din cauza căreia orice fufă care arată bine şi prestează şi mai bine (pe banchetă) „lucrează” pe bani din ce în ce mai puţini şi 2, cred sincer că şi statul român, care nu îşi recunoaşte adevăratele valori naţionale. Alina Plugaru a primit două statuete Oscar pentru filmele XXX, iar statul român nu a recompensat-o cu nimic. Păi gimnastele (care , fie vorba între noi, au şi pozat nud, unele) au primit chiar şi medalii şi recunoaşteri din partea preşedinţiei, în timp ce o mare actriţă, care a luat şi Oscar, nu. Lasă Alina, sunt covins că vei reuşi să faci ceva în viaţă, chiar dacă acum nu pot să mă gândesc ce ai putea face, deoarece mintea nu îmi e lucidă fiindcă plâng într-una. Totuşi, o propunere ar fi: să joci cu mine într-un film XXL, eu fiind de mărime mai mare. Poate dăm lovitura. ÎMPREUNĂ!

Foto: Libertatea

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Digital Playground - Cheerleaders DVD

These young, horny “cheerleaders” don’t just turn you on during the game, they use their sexual flexibility to get better grades, steal boyfriends, lose their virginity and much more! See what really happens in the girls’ locker room when …    Full Descriptionour sexy cheer squad takes you with them on their slutty adventures. With 6 of the most explosive sex scenes ever captured on high definition, including a 9-girl orgy, cheer on Digital Playground’s hottest stars, as they team up with their friends in the greatest game ever played!

Starring: Jesse Jane, Sophia Santi, Adrianna Lynn, Shay Jordan, Stoya, Priya Rai, Camryn Kiss, Alexis Texas, Memphis Monroe, Shawna Lenee, Lexxi Tyler, Brianna Love

Download This Torrent!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Am primit de la Pisi , care vrea sa ma lase fara blog )),  leapsa xxx .. hai sa vedem

1. Când ai facut dragoste/sex prima data si cu cine? (detalii necesare)

pe la 15 ani, cu prietena mea de atunci era mai mare, si, bineinteles, mai experimentata.. faza tare e ca eu ajunsesem acolo sa incerc sa instalez niste programe in pc( eram bata rau in asa ceva) … dar de la install programs, m-am trezit la install .. :-”

2. Anticonceptionale sau prezervative?

 Prezervative in cazul meu =))

 3. Cu sau fara “blanita”?


 4. Sexul oral mai e o prejudecata? Îti place la fel de mult sa îl faci precum îti place sa ti se faca?

Sexul oral e ceva normal ..imi  place si sa mi se faca, si in curand am sa il si fac.

 5. Marimea p**ii conteaza?

Intrebati o fata asta

 6. Sex cu o persoana virgina?


 7. Cât conteaza relatia sexuala într-un cuplu?

Destul de mult

 8. Care e diferenta între dragoste si sex?

Sentimentele nu numai

 9. Anal versus swing. Care e devianta mai mare?

Habar am vere … nu am facut asa ceva la scoala

 10. Ce te excita cel mai mult?

Sa o simt pe ea excitata .. si sa fiu sarutat pe usor pe corp…

11. În ce locuri ai facut dragoste/sex (în afara de patul din dormitor)?

Padure, ploaie, iarba, zapada(asta nu o mai fac vreodata)
12. Aventura sau relatie stabila?

Relatia stabila.

 13. Ai avut partide de o noapte cu cineva pe care abia l-ai cunoscut?

14. Poze cu tine nud ai? Le-a vazut cineva înafara de tine?

Nu am.Dar se rezolva =))

 15. Care e cea mai mare fantezie sexuala a ta?

Sa o fac in mare :-“

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sasha Grey, por Terry Richardson

Estas fotos no sé de cuando son, ni para qué publicación fueron tomadas (bueno sí, Penthouse), y el caso es que no me importa lo más mínimo. Lo que sí importa es que fueron tomadas por Terry Richardson. Sasha Grey es una de las pocas canijas mundiales que me ponen. Y seguro que me pone tanto por esa cara de tomar apuntes en  clase de historia,  y a la vez estar  pensando en dos pollas dando vueltas en su boca.

Raylene Returns

Title Raylene Returns Genres All Sex, Anal, Gonzo, Orgy, Threesome Actors Bliss Lei, Raylene, Sammie Spades, Tasha Lynn Studio Vouyer Media Review Raylene has returned after 8 years shes back and better than ever! Raylene Returns with 2 Anal scenes, Her 1st Time Swallowing, Her First POV and she takes 8 Loads!No Contracts, No Condoms Just Hardcore Gonzo delivered by Vince Vouyer! Also, Dont miss bubble butt Sammie Spades anal assault and her 1st Double Penetration! Oh My! How the cocks have grown in 8 years!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

When She Cums

Title When She Cums Genres Lesbian, Masturbation Actors Aletta Ocean , Bambi, Blue Angel, Brandy Smile, Kyra Black, Sonia Red Studio Lesbian Provocateur Review Your sweet taste is on my tongue, and your fragrance delights my senses. I love to please you; I love to see you arch your back and moan in ecstasy; I love watching your toes curl as I gently caress you with my tongue. I can’t stop thinking about it, because I love it when you cum.

MUSIQUE PLUS + ORANGE ORANGE: désirez avoir la chance de faire partie du public?



Orange Orange offre une prestation exclusive dans les studios de MusiquePlus mardi 29 septembre à 16h30 !

Vous désirez avoir la chance de faire partie du public, envoyez-nous un courriel à l’adresse suivante :

Nous avons besoin de votre prénom, votre nom, votre âge et le nombre de places souhaités.

N’oubliez pas d’indiquer MP reçoit Orange Orange dans l’objet.

*Les participants doivent être âgés de 16 ans et plus.



Thursday, September 10, 2009

Con il poliziotto, le manette ed il manganello.

(fonte: Flickr)

Quando non scrivo per un pò, è perchè c’è qualcosa di molto molto particolare da raccontare. Questo racconto potrebbe cominciare con un classico evergreen quale:  “mi scusi agente, mi sono smarrito!”

Ovviamente non è questo l’inizio, ma il racconto promette comunque bene. Lui è un poliziotto romano conosciuto tempo fa. Dopo qualche chiacchierata mi dice che vorrebbe farmi vedere casa sua. Io accetto ma chiedo un solo favore: venire all’appuntamento in divisa. Yum. E così, di ritorno a Roma, subito ci sentiamo per vederci.

Si presenta puntalissimo, in divisa completa. Entro in macchina ed andiamo da lui. Mentre parlava pensavo: Poliziotto. Check! E quindi, appena arrivati da lui, sinceramente, poco mi importava dei quadri e dei mobili. Trotterellando verso la camera da letto ero certo, in quel momento, che si, la situazione si stava tramutando da sogno erotico a porno made in Titan.

Spogliato della sua divisa, mentre cercavamo di trovare l’equilibrio tra una slinguazzata ed una toccata, mi è venuto il colpo di genio. “Bloccati”, ho detto. Ho preso la sua divisa e me la sono messa. In una mano le manette e nell’altra il manganello. Ed ecco il porno servito. I dettagli sarebbero di uno sconcio interessante, ma vi salvo dalla cronaca dettagliata degli eventi, per raccontarvi l’epilogo, tragico, del porno.

Arrestato, ammanettato e minacciato, dopo avergli fatto confessare il suo crimine, è arrivato il momento della classica doccia di coppia. E tra i cristalli del box ho capito che il porno stava per tramutarsi in qualcosa di diverso. Indeciso se presto avrei visto Poliziotto ammanettato 2 oppure Notthing Hill, mi sono mantenuto sul vago, finchè lui non ha detto: “credo di amarti”.

E che cazzo! Insomma, sto tipo ha messo il record. Ma la cosa peggiore è che, spudorato, continuava a ripeterlo. Ed io: “no, senti, ridimensiona un pò!” Ma lui nulla. Avrei voluto ammanettarlo e manganellarlo un’altra volta, ma forse avrebbe gradito la cosa ancora maggiormente. Tre minuti  dopo ero fuori casa sua, pronto a farmi accompagnare. Per tutto il tragitto non ha fatto altro che dire quanto vorrebbe passare il resto della sua vita con me, che sono un angelo, che non ci può credere di avermi conosciuto. Io, contavo i chilometri.

Poi sono arrivato a casa, e lui è andato in caserma. Insomma, il mio poliziotto era un fake. Cioè, era un poliziotto vero, ma non come quelli che ci si immagina.  Si suppone che un poliziotto non abbia sentimenti. Che abbia dell’intimo di pelle e che dopo essere stato ammanettato non ti dice che ti ama. E invece il mio ha fatto tutti i passi falsi, oppure si è comportato bene ed io non me ne sono reso conto. Insomma, son cresciuto a pane e porno, e in quei film lì nessun poliziotto direbbe “ti amo” poco prima dei titoli di coda.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hentai Akiba Kei

Akiba Kei[3/3]

Shindo Nikita es un joven universitario fanático de la cultura Akiba (manga y juegos hentai por un tubo, vamos) en su totalidad, incluidos los juegos hentai, hasta el punto de considerar el barrio como la capital de Japón.

Repentinamente, ingresa en un club relacionado con esa cultura y empieza a conocer al resto de sus integrantes. En especial, está interesado en Aoi Ren, una chica fanática del cosplay, pero su relación se ve interrumpida por la imposibilidad de estar juntos como personas. La solución elegida por Shindo es sumergir a Aoi por completo en la cultura Akiba, dando comienzo a una dulce relación de amor y sexo.

Ova 1

Ova 2

Ova 3


Pic 1 or 2 Big Butts vs. Big Boobs

Big Butts

Manuel wanted to have his way with Ana by the pool but she desperately wanted him to go inside. He refused until she started teasing him by showing off her perfect ass and perky tits. Manuel hypnotized by Ana followed her indoors were she had her beautiful Russian friend Summer waiting for some cock..  Join here!


Big Boobs

The beautiful Liza paid us a visit to show off those huge natural round titties of hers. This barely legal chick had the complete package. Beautiful face, perky big boobs and a tight ass to match. Add in her willingness to get naked in front of a camera and all the ingredients are present for a great shoot. We started outside and slowly but surely got into the big boob worship. Baby oil in hand, Mai let us know how much she enjoyed getting titty fucked and how sensitive her big puffy nipples were when being sucked. After she was all worked up, we went inside she changed clothes shit here fellas. Enjoy. Join here!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Celebrities Behaving Badly: The Trouble With Maia Campbell From 2006 & Now (NSFW)

This little Maia Campbell topic kept creeping up over the last week and I must admit I put it on the back burner.  But, today after finally taking a look at her video, I thought it was something that should be addressed.

Hollywood Lost Girl: Maia Campbell

While doing some research into Miss Campbell’s background, I noticed some various issues.

It has been said that she has a mental illness.

Maia is schizophrenic; a fact that brought her late mother Bebe Moore Campbell and her father and step-father much anguish. Maia is a schizophrenic who won’t take her meds. Maia is a schizophrenic and unfortunately, she also has the honor of being a Twitter trending topic and #1 on Google Trends.

The number one hit with Maia’s name is a gossip blog and about 30 comments in on a line chain of comments is the one that states she is a schizophrenic.  Via

I don’t know about there being a specific diagnosis for Maia.  I do know that her mother, Bebe Moore Campbell, wrote several books about people with mental health issues and was very interested in the mental health topic, according to her Wiki.

Could one of the catalysts for Maia’s emerging public bad behavior in 2006 be the fact that her mother passed away in 2006?  Such trauma can spur on these results.  Maia’s mother passed away on November 27, 2006 and not even a month later, these photos (NSFW) of Maia surface online.

Is this behavior of Maia caused by the schizophrenic diagnosis?  I would assume that her diagnosis coupled with drug use, an unhealthy lifestyle and hanging around a bunch of A**HOLES who want to film her and think it’s funny…could be a reason for her troubles.

My suggestion:  Don’t just pray.  Get off your knees and do something.  Everyone that knows or has worked with Maia Campbell should be offering her something in the way of support to her to help save her life.  How can we just go on watching?  Email people that know her.  Email the celebs that have worked with her.  If anyone has the resources to help, offer her help.  I’m talking to you, Celebrity Rehab!!!!!

I can’t bare to watch any exploit videos of her anymore.  The people filming this crap should be jailed.  It is a travesty to watch someone go through this and not do what you can to help them out.  Not just mess them over.

Here’s a link to the 2006 video of Maia Campbell (NSFW)…You can clearly see that she is troubled back then.

The recent video is below.

Better days back below….


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hellsing Doujins

Han escuchado que la tan famosa serie hellsing habia empezado como un manga hentai antes de haber sido el anime que todos conocemos, ok pues esta es la prueba de ello, he aqui todos los doujins de hellsing.

Aun falyan mas doujins, no los incluyo para no hacer el post muy extenso, por favor no se olviden de comentar para ver si les gusta el material.
